Feed, Water
and Litter solutions
Broilers, trukeys,
layers, breeders,
ducks -
Sows, piglets,
growing and
finishing pigs -
Dairy cows,
calves, beef,
goats, sheep -
Horses, mares,
foals -
Cats, dogs,
birds -
Salmons, trouts,
Our Expertise
By identifying extracts of interest from nature, we develop synergies of natural active ingredients (essential oils, spices, polyphenols, functional fatty acids) to meet the current and future challenges facing the animal production sector.
Solutions to
About Us
Since 2000, Probiotech International has been developing and promoting the use of functional botanicals and fatty acids for the nutrition, health and well-being of animals.
drinking water
of natural plant antioxidants feed additives

Our Vision
Probiotech International is committed to feed the world in a sustainable and healthy way. To achieve this objective, we deliver high-quality and sustainable feed ingredients by tapping into nature-based solutions. We develop and distribute the next generation of feed and water additives, and technologies in order to improve animal nutrition, health and well-being.

Our Impact
At Probiotech International, we are driven by innovation, inspired by nature, and passionate about contributing to a more sustainable, safe and healthy food system.

What we do
Since 2000, Probiotech International has been proposing innovative natural solutions to reduce the use of antibiotic growth promotors and to improve the welfare of farm animals. Each product has gone through many R&D steps involving in vitro and in vivo studies to validate its efficacy. Our R&D team is also responsible for publishing every year many scientific papers and present our findings at different international scientific meetings.

Our Quality
and Traceability
Probiotech International was among the first Canadian feed additive manufacturers to comply with 3 HACCP-based Quality Systems: FEEDASSURE (Canada), SAFE FOOD SAFE FEED (USA) and FAMI-QS (International).
In addition, all our products are registered with CFIA and Health Canada and are following AAFCO requirements in the USA. Many products are also offered for use in organic production and are reviewed and allowed by Ecocert (Canada) and PCO (USA).
Our Certifications

Contact Us

Saint-Hyacinthe (QC) Canada
J2S 8L2

Toll free: 1-800-267-7252
Fax: 450-771-4509

From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern time